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Sunday 21 July 2013

2 Tips To Refer To When Creating Your Email Marketing Newsletter

Do you currently have an email newsletter that isn't producing any income for you? Well, don't be sad. This is the reality for a lot of online business owners these days. But this is only a symptom... it doesn't have to be a long time problem for you. With just a few simple changes, you can turn your email newsletter into a profitable money source for your online business.
I would know. I own a very profitable email newsletter, and I keep my subscribers up-to-date with the latest tips and techniques when it comes to internet marketing. This is something that you will definitely want to do. You want to be the "central informant" for your subscribers and keep them abreast on things that are changing or happening in your niche.
By staying on top of the marketplace like this, your subscribers will gladly open up and read your emails on a regular basis. And combine this will excellent content... you could end up with a "popping" email newsletter that brings in sales for you on a daily basis. And in today's lesson, I want to give you some tips on how you can make this happen. Here's the first tip you can use to earn more money with your email newsletter:
1) Contact them often
You will want to contact your subscribers on a regular basis. I don't mean email them everyday. This is something that you definitely DO NOT want to do. This is the fastest way to be perceived as a pest, and as someone who is spamming their inbox with blatant promotional material.
Sometimes I subscribe to email newsletters from people who know nothing about internet marketing. I do it just to see if they're doing things correctly, and I often contact the email newsletter owner and give them tips. If you saw some of the things they are doing to try and get sales, you would be dumbfounded.
For example, along with emailing me everyday, the entire content of their emails (ALL of them) consists of no more than 20 words. You may open up their email, and you will see a message that says something like: "Randall, here's my secret to making $2920.82 everyday in my online business." And then they just link to the sales letter page for the product that they're promoting.
Email list owners who market like this get ignored with great intensity. And they also get unsubscribed to also. Here's another thing I want to share with you:
2) Get people to open up your emails
You need a good email subject line in every email that you send out. This takes a bit of copywriting skills, but not much. It's similar to creating a small classified ad - but easier. You only have to write approximately a 30-character email subject line, and that's it. The better your email subject lines, the higher the chances are at people opening up your emails, and taking the action you want them to take.
Take these 2 tips and use them to earn money with your email newsletter today.
Good luck with making money with email marketing in your online business.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here:

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